It has been an interesting journey so far, some social media was familiar, but most were not and the whole exercise has been very useful and interesting. I can appreciate the new dimension of these tools in the modern profession, in particularly the capacity to reach a large and diverse audience with up to date news and information, as well as receiving feedback and exchanging information.
I certainly feel more confident about using the social media, though I am not sure I will become a regular user, possibly it is something that will grow and develop for me, rather than making a one off conscious effort to start. If I find that my work, in particular freelance work starts to involve this media, then I will certainly start; that has been the the way I have expanded the ways I work in the past.
I could use the social media, and colleagues already do in my freelance work to engage with the community of audio describers and also visually impaired users, though the problem there is that this is generally something that will mainly hit younger users, many blind people are elderly and less likely to be familiar with social media. The benefits to using the social media within the library profession are so clear that it makes me feel lazy for not having explored them before.
Obviously in the library professional side of life it would still take an effort to make these sites my automatic choice for spreading information.
Firefox and iGoogle have been the most useful areas for me, as they make the way I work easier, keeping all the relevant tools at my fingertips.